Expected results

Expected result 1: Implementation of the central demonstration unit functioning as a training centre

Work Package 1 – Project management and construction of the project central demonstration plot

Task 1.1 – Financial and contractual management.

Task 1.2 – Technical and scientific coordination and definition of training programs.

Task 1.3 – Setting-up of the project central demonstration plot.

Expected result 2: Dissemination of innovative water management, arid agriculture techniques and strengthening of professional capacity

Work Package 2 – Innovative water management and arid agriculture techniques

Task 2.1 – Development and testing of water saving irrigation techniques. Task 2.2 – Development and testing of innovative water harvesting techniques.

Task 2.3 – Utilization of water: Farming systems.

Task 2.4 – Development of university courses teaching innovative water management techniques and best practice to combat aridity

Expected result 3: Capacity building strengthened

Work Package 3 – Integration of scientific activities with policy-making and public awareness: Dissemination and capacity building

Task 3.1 – Socio-economic analysis.

Task 3.2 – Capacity building of water management and arid agriculture in rural communities.

Task 3.3 – Stakeholders and general public.